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Visit Us
Sunday Services
Contact Us
We gather every Sunday to celebrate Jesus present in Word and Sacrament and, as He promised, wherever two or three are gathered in His name.
Worship is about one hour, followed by fellowship, potluck, or going to enjoy lunch and fellowship in a nearby restaurant.
Unless you are dying to dress up to the 9s,
there is no need to dress formally.
Come as you are, seat wherever your like,
We are going to make you feel right at home!
Sundays, 11 am:
The Holy Eucharist, Rite 2
Including hymns from The Hymnal, 1982
and Lift Every Voice and Sing II.
11291 West River Road,
Aylett, VA 23009
Mailing Address:
PO Box 125
Aylett, VA 23009-0125
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